Godot 3.4 – Attack Animation / Enums

As the previous blog post about Animation Tree we gonna proceed with the same procedure with slightly different settings with attacks. Lets introduce Enums Resource for this images is https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xaEd02zP7D8&ab_channel=GodotTutorials greate video explaining enums. Mostly we are going to use them as game state. Lets see now how we animate our attacks. Inside Player script […]

Godot 3.4 – AnimationTree

First rule and what we should understand is that AnimationTree does not contain its own animation . We must use AnimationPlayer node ( or import animation ) After we create AnimationTree node we must choose the Tree Root In our example we gonna use the most common AnimationNodeStateMachine. Ignore the square box for the moment, […]

Godot 3.4 – YSort Node

As the description say , sort all child nodes based on their Y position . Lets assume that we have 2 nodes node a and node b , if the get closer as you can see from the image , the node a would have lower Y position and the node b would have higher […]

Godot 3.4 – MoveAndCollide MoveAndSlide MoveTowards

Greetings, Today iam gonna study 3 really important methods for moving nodes. I will start with move_toward() Vector2 move_toward ( Vector2 to, float delta ) Moves the vector toward to by the fixed delta amount. So basically it move a node to given position by x speed . move_toward is a Vector2 method and it can be used in all nodes. Its important to mention that […]

Godot 3.4 – Move Player

Basic movement on non KinematicBody2D. Simple way to move a Node, we get the Input from the player when is left/right up/down and we just deduct right – left down – up . What that means : If player hiting the right arrow -> the return value of the input_vector.x is 1 , if it […]

Godot 3.4 – Signals

Signals are Godot’s version of the observer pattern. They allow a node to send out a message that other nodes can listen for and respond to. For example, rather than continuously checking a button to see if it’s being pressed, the button can emit a signal when it’s pressed. Signals are a way to decouple your game […]

Godot – Node execution order _enter_tree, _ready, _process, _physics_process, and group notes.

Inherits: Object Inherited By: AnimationPlayer, AnimationTree, AnimationTreePlayer, AudioStreamPlayer, CanvasItem, CanvasLayer, EditorFileSystem, EditorInterface, EditorPlugin, EditorResourcePreview, HTTPRequest, InstancePlaceholder, ResourcePreloader, SkeletonIK, Spatial, Timer, Tween, Viewport, WorldEnvironment Base class for all scene objects. A tree of nodes is called a scene. Scenes can be saved to the disk and then instanced into other scenes. This allows for very high flexibility in the architecture and data model of Godot projects. Basically everything in Godot is inherit from Node Scene Tree and explanation how […]

Godot the begining !

Creating and moving a player. Basically runs every frame mostly 60 frame per seconds depends on the local machine. So basically we have to declare a vector to hold the player input when it press the keybinds to move the player. We declare and reset velocity with var velocity = Vector2.Zero -> (0, 0) No […]

Unreal Engine 5 Interact (Sphere Trace By Channel)

So after we create Input Event name Interact and assign the keyboard key ” E ” we proceed to apply an interaction . We gonna use the SphereTraceByChannel Node Basically what is this node for. It creates a Sphere ( with lines ) and when it collide with an object in the scene the lines […]

Unreal Engine 5 Crouch/Sprint/Jump

Lets create those simple ready functionalities given by UE5. To create a Chracter Crouch is simple as the following screenshot. CROUCH Now every time i press the “F” keybind it will trigger the Crouch Input Event and will run the ready functionallity given by UE5 Crouch . When i release it i have to use […]